Saving you time while reducing potential losses and profitable missed opportunities.
Investments - public or private, you pick them or you're getting pitched them. Finding the time to do the homework as a hands-on investor can be a challenge. Reviewing, analyzing and questioning investment opportunities is critical in order to feel fully informed about making the decision to execute or not. Delegate it to us. Other factors to consider are when to buy or when to sell, and how much. We can help get closer to your answer.
In the past you may have missed out on lucrative opportunities to profit, or you may have taken a loss from just not knowing enough to potentially have avoided either of those all together. Wouldn't it be great if you just had someone with an unbiased view with well researched knowledge shoot it to you straight, in a concise manner of time? Have a conversation with us today on what we can do for you.
No commissions, no kickbacks and no behind the scenes incentives. Bull or Bear is an educator for the more hands on investor. Building confidence in your decision making process.
Bull or Bear Consulting summarizes it's research with a scope of potential risks and upsides to review. Putting it all in perspective relative to the time spent doing a top down analysis. Prepared with questions to ask either yourself or prospective companies vying for your attention and hard earned money. Our goal is to get to the deepest level of transparency and arrive at the answers you need.
The purpose of Bull or Bear Consulting is to give you the confidence to arrive at your own educated decision of where to put and where not to put, your money.
Reviewed, Analyzed & Questioned
Company History
Industry & Sector
Reviewed, Analyzed & Questioned
Pitch Deck
Subscription Agreement
Term Sheet for Subscription Offering
Business Plan
Pro Forma
Industry & Sector
Listen & Observe
Minute taking service available, recording what took place in a group discussion. Summarizing a plan of action, outlining each individuals assignment with follow up. Tailored to a professional format for the corporate minute book as needed.
Available to join in on any conference calls relevant to your investment. Taking notes so you don't miss a thing so you can focus on your role and presence in the discussion. Able to assist in guiding the conversation towards better transparency and posing the right questions to ask to gain better understanding. With the specific intension to uncover any potential risks or missed up sides.
Spark Prosperity
Szikra Solutions is more than just your bookkeeping and tax preparation liaison between you and your accountant. Szikra operates in a niche position as a financial controller and business analyst. Providing you the level up in valuable insights you need to continuously improve your bottom line, overall profitability, and operational efficiency.
Become cash flow positive to invest in your wealth.
Bull or Bear Consulting is not a registered investment, legal or tax advisor or a broker/dealer. The principal is not acting as a financial planner or advisor and the information collected is merely for consideration to make your own investment decisions. This is not a substitute for financial advice from a professional who is aware of the facts related to your circumstances and individual situation. All investment/financial consultation facilitated is from research, experience and opinion and are intended as educational material only.